One Universal Ethical Basis For Us All

בסיעתא דשמיא

The world's existence is preserved through 3 things;Torah study, Prayer & Kind Deeds. For society to flourish mankind as a whole must come to appreciate the importance of, Truth, Justice & Peace & conduct itself accordingly. Within the great Family of Man, each individual has his or her path within a path. Yet there is ONE Universal ethical basis for us all. Accept upon yourself the responsibility for peace & oneness in our world - world peace as a value goal. That will herald in a new era & a renewed world. A world of truth, wisdom, harmony & peace!

"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it ."

Friday, July 22, 2011

Leiby Kletzky's Parents Release Statement To The Public

The parents of 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky OBM  have issued a statement after the tragic loss of their son. Deeply touched by the outpouring of support that has come in from Jews and non-Jews, religious and secular alike, the Kletzky's have a message of thanks and of hope.

They urge people the world over to perform “acts of unity and loving kindness” to keep the memory of their angelic boy alive.

Published on Judaism website Mr. and Mrs. Kletzky posted the following:

Statement by Rabbi Nachman and Itta Kletzky Parents of Leiby Kletzky, of blessed memory:

By the Grace of G‑d Tammuz 19, 5771 / July 21, 2011

The traditional seven intense days of mourning ("shiva") for our beloved Leiby are complete, but the ache in our hearts will remain forever.

We thank G‑d for the nearly nine beautiful years that He entrusted us with Leiby's pure soul. We are certain that Leiby is now looking down from heaven and blessing us all.

We would like to once again thank all our friends and neighbors; all the selfless volunteers from near and far; local, city, state, and federal agencies; and all our fellow New Yorkers and beyond who assisted us physically, emotionally, and spiritually--as well as all of G‑d's children around the world who held our dear Leiby in their thoughts and prayers.

We pray that none of you should ever have to live through what we did. But if any tragedy is to ever befall any of you, G‑d forbid, you should be blessed with a community and public as supportive as ours. We feel that through Leiby we've become family with you all.

Many of you have asked us what you can do now in Leiby's memory, and how you can help us find comfort. Looking back at Leiby's all-too-short years among us, here are a few ideas:

Acts of unity and lovingkindness. Let us perpetuate the feeling of collective responsibility and love expressed during the search for Leiby. An additional act of kindness toward your neighbor, or to those less fortunate than you, can go a long, long way toward perfecting our world. Putting a couple of coins into a charity box daily is oneway of tangibly expressing that lovingkindness.

Gratitude. Leiby deeply cherished his siddur, his prayerbook, and praying to G‑d meant the world to him. He was known by his teachers for his concentration in prayer, always being the last to finish. In Leiby's memory, when you wake up each morning take a few moments to pray and reflect and thank G‑d for giving us life ("Modeh Ani" in the prayerbook).

Light. Every Friday evening our family sits down together for Shabbat dinner to the light of the Shabbat candles. A candle shines for each of our children--and Leiby's candle will always be included. On Friday evening, please give a few coins to charity and light the candles before sunset with our beloved Leiby in mind.

Memorial fund. Together with Rabbi Binyamin Eisenberger, we have established a memorial fund to help people in dire need (, to channel the lovingkindness shown to us and our dear Leiby toward many, many others in need. We welcome your participation.

From the deepest place in our hearts, we thank you all for your help, your support and your prayers. May Leiby's soul live on as a blessing inside each and every one of you.

Sincerely, Nachman and Itta Kletzky

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